Anchorline Basin, Ramsden Dock, Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria LA14 2TB
Our Profile
Bay Towage & Salvage Co. Ltd. have provided survey, crew transfer and general towage craft for the following major local works:
- Barrow Capital Dredge
- Installation of Gas Pipelines
- Installation & Maintenance of Barrow Navigation Aids
- Installation of Cumbria Outfalls and maintenance of buoyage
- Installation of Morecambe, Fleetwood and Blackpool outfalls and buoyage
- Launch and dockings of Nuclear and Non nuclear warships & submarines
- Regular towage of Nuclear fuel, Gas Condensate and general Cargo shipping in Barrow
- Ship-to-ship / ship-to-shore transfer of personnel and equipment.
- Specialist transfer of personnel and equipment to and from offshore turbines
- ROV investigations and dive support
Seabed Levelling and Surveys
We also carry out seabed levelling and survey duties around the UK and Ireland for major dredging and construction companies. Projects include:
Rosslaire, Kinlochbervie rock blasting
Irish/Scottish Interconnectors
General Port seabed levelling including Foynes, Stonoway, Aberdeen, Grimsby, Harwich, Tilbury, Plymouth, Cardiff, Heysham, Barrow e.t.c.

Our Fleet
2 Tug/Workboats all capable of towage, seabed levelling and survey duties
2 Multipurpose Pontoon, Construction/Dive Support vessels with 3 point anchoring and large deck.
1 fast Windfarm Support/Survey/Dive vessels.
1 small Line-running boats.

24hr Operation
Bay Towage provides 24 hr operation so please feel free to browse our website and whatever your workboat needs contact us to discuss your requirements.